What is sesame for Turkish Delight?

What is sesame for Turkish Delight?

Sesame for Turkish delight is a high quality and flavoured sesame type, especially used in Turkish delight production. The dynamics of the constantly developing and changing food industry are constantly monitored by both producers and consumers. Sesame, which is among the products of this industry, is developed according to consumer needs and offered in different flavours. Sesame product for Turkish delight is a product developed by Zirve Gıda in this direction. Sesame, which appears especially in forms such as tahini, tahini halva, tahini sesame paste, sesame cream and interesting sauces, is specially designed by Zirve Gıda to be used in food products such as cakes, bagels and Turkish delight. In this article, you can find some historical information that will interest you about sesame for Turkish delight, which is included in Zirve Gıda's wide product range, and what you wonder about the opportunities it offers to big businesses.

Origins and History of Turkish Delight

Turkish delight, which has been a traditional dessert since the Ottoman Empire, has become known as an indispensable flavour all over the world under the name of Turkish delight. In the Ottoman palace cuisine, sesame Turkish delight was an important dessert served on special occasions and banquets. Sesame Turkish delight, which was among the refined and rich flavours of the palace cuisine, attracted attention not only with its taste but also with its visual appeal. Finely crafted and covered with sesame seeds, Turkish delight was a prestigious treat offered to guests.

Although the origins of Turkish delight date back to the 15th century, the foundations of modern Turkish delight were shaped in Istanbul in the 18th century. At that time, a sweet master named Hacı Bekir developed the current form of Turkish delight and popularised it in the Ottoman palace kitchen. This recipe developed by Hacı Bekir laid the foundations of Turkish delight, which is known and loved all over the world today.

Sesame Turkish Delight in Traditional Dessert Culture

Sesame Turkish delight has had an important place in Turkish dessert culture from Ottoman culture until today. In the geography we live in; sesame Turkish delight is served to guests as a traditional food during Ramadan, festivals and special celebrations. This dessert is consumed with great appreciation not only in Turkey, but also in the Middle East and the Balkans.

Sesame in the Modern Period

Today, sesame is in great demand in both local and international markets. Thanks to the developing technologies, sesame varieties produced with more modern machines have offered solutions suitable for customer needs. According to changing trends, sesame products suitable for many other food industries such as biscuit, bagel, sortex as well as sesame for tahini have been developed.

Sesame for Turkish delight, produced using modern techniques, was introduced to the food industry by "Turkish Sesame Seeds Suppliers and Manufacturers " to be used in sesame Turkish delight, which is consumed worldwide. In this direction, Zirve Gıda has taken its place among the companies aiming to contribute to the food industry by developing its products with the highest quality sesame seeds and materials in accordance with the deep-rooted history of sesame Turkish delight.

Advantages for Horeca: Why Should We Choose Peak Food in Sesame?

Quality Guarantee

The most important factor determining customer satisfaction in large enterprises is the quality of the products. This situation is just like the rings of a chain from the beginning to the end. The survival of large sectors such as Horeca starts with the preference of producers who produce final quality products with years of experience and ends with a sustainable supply chain. As Zirve Food Products, with this awareness, our sesame seeds, which we produce at the highest quality standards, are produced in order to always provide a reliable and delicious raw material to Turkish delight producers. With the latest technologies and the best production techniques, it meticulously controls sesame products at every stage from the field to the table and stands behind its products.

Special Solutions

Zirve Food Products offers solutions suitable for the specific needs of large enterprises that need sesame. With its special product development service, it provides customised products by customising the parameters such as the size, roasting degree and packaging shape of sesame. In addition, flexible logistics services ensure regular and timely deliveries and prevent disruptions in the supply chain. Zirve Gıda facilitates stock management with different quantity and packaging options and helps businesses optimise their production processes.

Competitive Advantage

Zirve Food Products enables customers to stand out in the market with sesame seeds produced in accordance with international quality standards. Production processes supported by ISO and HACCP certificates in accordance with international quality standards in sesame production ensure high quality products. This quality makes a difference in the final products of customers and provides a competitive advantage in the market. In addition, by ensuring the uninterrupted operation of the supply chain with a flexible sustainable trade approach, it optimises the production processes of the enterprises, which results in financial savings.

Continuous and Regular Supply

Zirve Food Products offers continuous and regular supply guarantee to its customers in supply chain management with the principle of sustainable trade. Planned deliveries contribute to the uninterrupted continuity of the production processes of enterprises. It always stands by its customers with fast logistics solutions for urgent needs, thus preventing disruptions in production and increasing efficiency.

Customer Orientated Service

Zirve Gıda provides fast logistics service as well as producing the most specialised solutions for businesses with a wide range of products suitable for their needs. Therefore, while developing a sustainable supply chain, it creates long-term collaborations by making the production processes of enterprises more efficient. Thus, Turkish sesame seeds provide many advantages in terms of reliability, consistency and sustainability for businesses looking for producers and suppliers, which will increase their profit margins in the food market.


In the food industry, quality and reliable sesame supply is of critical importance for large enterprises. Zirve Food Products, with its high quality sesame production and customer-oriented service approach, offers significant advantages to large enterprises in terms of reliable supply chain, flexible solutions and competitive prices. In addition to meeting the raw materials you need in your sesame and tahini productions, working with Zirve Gıda enables you to reliably supply the high quality sesame your business needs. Using high quality sesame in Turkish delight, tahini, halva and other traditional foods increases the flavour and nutritional value of your products, while allowing you to find the most suitable solutions for your business.

