What Do We Mean by Food Industry?

What Do We Mean by Food Industry?

The food industry refers to a vast network from land to industry, from farmers to various businesses, and is vital in meeting the food needs of the global population. It encompasses all processes from food production to consumption, including crop and animal breeding, production of agricultural equipment, food processing and packaging, storage and distribution.

Brands serving in the food industry, including specialty products such as Zirve Tahini, not only meet the basic needs of humanity, but are also an important sector that supports economic growth and creates employment. This sector, which is constantly evolving and renewing, provides added value at every stage from the production to consumption of food and occupies a critical place in the world economy.

While the food industry covers a wide range of sectors, some of the areas in which it operates are as follows:

Agriculture and Livestock: It covers activities such as crop cultivation, livestock production and fishing (or fish farming). In short, it is the reproduction of an existing thing by showing labor, patience and effort in order to ensure continuity. This area includes production and aims to achieve sustainability through traditional and modern methods.

Food processing: It is the process by which products that exist in their primitive state become ready for consumption through certain methods. This stage includes processes such as the preparation of food products for the market and the production of prepared food products.

These two important stages include activities such as reaching the final product and processing, and then it is time to deliver the products to the consumer. These stages are respectively;

Sales and Marketing: It covers areas such as promotion of products, advertising, packaging and public relations.

Wholesale Distribution: This stage includes activities such as storage, transportation and logistics.

Retail Sales: Covers areas such as grocery stores, supermarket chains, independent food stores and restaurants.

Regulation: This includes regulation of food quality and safety and includes industry lobbying.

Education: Includes academic, vocational and consultancy services, predominantly involving food engineers.

Research and development: R&D activities covering studies in the field of food technology.

Financial services: This is the stage of food safety that includes services such as insurance and credit. In Middle Eastern countries such as Turkey, labels such as Halal Food and ISO can be shown as examples.

These items draw attention to the complexity and vital importance of the food industry. Whether local, regional, national or international, these rules and regulations are essential for the sustainability of the food industry.

What is Food Production? Some Information About the Production Process

Food production is one of the most important processes of the food industry. It involves the production, processing, supply and distribution of foodstuffs. This complex industry therefore allows many businesses, small and large, to come together and work in harmony.

Compared to other industries, the food industry is decentralized, with a diversity of sectors and highly fragmented roles of stakeholders. Therefore, the food production process requires careful planning and coordination.

Zirve Gıda's production process consists of a series of steps starting from the procurement of raw materials to processing, packaging and distribution. In the production of various attariye centered on tahini and sesame in Konya, food safety, quality control and sustainability are central to this process and critical to the success of the industry.

What Does Production Mean in the Food Sector?

A simple definition of production, or "manufacturing", is the process by which raw materials are transformed into products using tools, machinery and labor. However, this simple process is one of the cornerstones of the global economy and is responsible for the production of many foods.

The food sector includes restaurants, cafeterias, coffee shops, fast food outlets, bars, delicatessens, food production facilities, catering businesses, food transportation services and more. Businesses operating in this sector offer a wide range of services, from food preparation to packaging, transportation and presentation.

The packaging stage is usually done in shifts in factories and is done with machines as well as physical labor. In addition, these businesses operating in the food industry must comply with food safety and quality standards.

What is Horeca?

Today, food-oriented businesses operate in many areas. These sectors serve in many food areas on a large and small scale. However, when we look at the food sectors that serve in an industrial sense, hotels, restaurants and cafes play an active role. A new term, "Horeca", has emerged with the discourse of these sectors in English.

The term Horeca was created by abbreviating and combining the first two letters of the hotel (Hotel), restaurant (Restaurant) and cafe (Cafe) sectors. The term usually refers to businesses that produce food, such as Zirve tahini, and also offer food and beverage services. The Horeca sector is closely linked to the tourism industry and is often characterized by a focus on sustainable diversity and constant innovation. Serving many customers in the food sector, this sector also offers many job opportunities for those who want to pursue a career.

Sectors operating in the food sector should draw their road map with an innovative approach in order to meet the needs of Horeca. In this sense, Zirve Tahini has introduced innovative products that contribute to the food industry with its wide range of products. Its factories have created unique flavors by combining traditional flavors such as tahini and sesame with modern production techniques.

What is Attariye? Discovery of Local Flavors!

Zirve Attariye has a special category that stands out as one of the riches of Turkish cuisine and includes many products. The term Attariye has had an important place in Turkish cuisine since the Ottoman period and covers a wide range of food products. 

Attariye usually includes sherbet desserts, halva, sesame seeds, tahini, Turkish delight, pastes, cookies and many other delicacies. Traditional methods are applied during the preparation of Attariye ingredients and the prepared products are usually used on special occasions, celebrations or for entertaining guests.

Attariye products attract attention not only with their flavors but also with their art and culture. The desserts are decorated with specially designed presentations and traditional handicrafts, giving them an eye-catching appearance. Each dessert is served with an elaborate and skillfully prepared presentation.

Today, attariye products are widely available both in local markets and on digital platforms. For those who want to discover Attariye products, where traditional flavors meet modern touches and have an important place in Turkish cuisine, you can take a look at the products page of Zirve Attariye.

The Most Basic Products Of Attariye Ingredients

After highlighting the importance of Attariye products to the unique flavors in Turkish cuisine, we look at the rich aromas and unique textures that make up this diversity;

1. Sugar: The main ingredient of Attariye desserts is especially sugar. The sherbets or sugary contents of the desserts are one of the main elements that determine their flavors and textures.

2. Flour: Attariye ingredients are used in sweet and savory products. In particular, desserts such as halva are prepared by roasting flour, resulting in a distinctive flavor.

3. Water: Water is an important ingredient in the production of sherbet desserts. The consistency and taste of sherbet is directly related to the quality and quantity of water.

4. Oil or Butter: Some attariye products use oil or butter. These fats enrich the texture of foods and enhance their flavor.

5. Peanuts, Walnuts, Almonds, Sesame: Attariye desserts often include nuts such as peanuts, walnuts, almonds and sesame seeds. This not only adds a different flavor to the desserts but also gives them a visual elegance.

6. Tahini: Tahini is used in some attariye desserts to create special flavors. This traditional product, made with sesame seeds, offers a rich flavor and visual elegance with its unique aroma and consistency.

The ingredients used in the production of Attariye products are carefully selected and combined to reflect the rich heritage of Turkish cuisine. To discover this special world where traditional flavors meet modern touches, you can take a look at the Zirve Attariye recipes we have featured in previous blogs and discover traditional flavors in your kitchen.

