What are Turkish Molasses and Tahini Useful For?

What are Turkish Molasses and Tahini Useful For?

Molasses, which is a traditional product of Turkish cuisines, is usually made by boiling and condensing fruits such as grapes, figs or mulberries. It is also nutritious with minarets such as iron, calcium and potassium contained in its content. 
Turkish tahini, on the other hand, is obtained from the sesame plant. The sesame seeds collected from the field are subjected to certain processes and reveal the tahini. “What is tahini in Turkey?" if you ask, in short, it is one of the indispensable tastes of Turkish tables. Tahini also has a satisfying property like molasses. 
To the question of ”what is tahini and molasses made from", we can briefly say that this duo is a Decoction that comes together with very simple methods. Taking the molasses, which is sold ready-made in grocery stores, into the Zirve Tahini that you buy ready-made, and mixing it in a container is the simplest way to explain this recipe. You can consume this flavor on your tables and add it to many other foods.
How is Grape Molasses Made?
Grape molasses, which is made using fresh or raisins, uses many different techniques during the production stage. Preferably, if raisins are to be used, the grapes are placed in water to soften. The softened grapes are crushed with the help of a robot from a meat grinder or if they are to be made at home. After that, the separated solutions are turned into molasses by applying the Extraction technique. Although these processes are usually carried out in molasses factories, people produce molasses themselves in many places that are famous for grapes in our country and grown in gardens. 
If you want to make molasses at home yourself, here are the ingredients needed to make molasses and your roadmap:
2 kg of fresh grapes
1 sb water
1 kg granulated sugar
Its making:
Fresh grapes are separated from their stems by washing thoroughly.
Washed grapes are added to a saucepan with water.
Boil the grapes over medium heat until they are well softened.
After boiling is over, the January bottom is closed and the grapes are placed in a separate container obtained by straining.
The juice of the grape is measured and mixed until dissolved by adding 1 kg of granulated sugar to each measure.
The prepared mixture is put back into the cooking pot and cooked again until it thickens.
The mixture is boiled until it reaches the consistency of molasses and left to cool when it reaches the consistency.
The prepared grape molasses is added to the previously sterilized glass jars and the mouth is tightly closed and stored in a cool and dry place. 

What are the Types of Molasses? How Many Types of Molasses Are There?
We can get it from many foods that contain sweets in molasses types. When making molasses, you can benefit from the construction and materials of molasses that we mentioned above. There are some tricks that you need to pay attention to here, such as what the raw material to be used will be and the proportions of materials to be added to it. We have covered some of the raw materials used for molasses making for you in this article.
Grape Molasses: It is a type of molasses that is in great demand in the geography where we live. Its raw material is grapes. However, it is necessary to pay attention to which type of grapes will be used here. It is usually obtained from black or purple grapes by another name. It has a piquancy that is not too sour, light and in the right amount. When making tahini molasses, grape molasses with this consistency may be preferred. 
There are some tricks to get this molasses. If you want to get a sour molasses, make the first boiling for a long time. At the end of the long-kept boiling, a wort with a dense consistency is obtained. Since there will be molasses here, which has an intense and sour taste, soil, wood ash or baking soda are added to make it sweeter and prevent fermentation. If the amount of foam on the molasses decreases when clean soil or ash is added while preparing molasses, it means that the acid content decreases in the same way. Jul. 
Carob Molasses: This food, which is from the legume family, is grown on the Aegean and Mediterranean sides. Carob has been scientifically named Ceratonia siliqua. In appearance, it has a hard and brownish crust, while inside it there is a sticky and sweet essence. 
While carob is used as molasses, it can also be consumed by adding it to flour, paste or milk drinks, or by making many extracts with the extract contained in it. Since there is no oil in carob molasses, the cold press method is not used. As for how carob molasses is made, hard-shelled carob carob is crushed and boiled. It is made into molasses with other ingredients such as water and sugar added to it.  
Date Molasses: When making date molasses, there are two options as paradise date or normal date. Both dates are boiled with their own unique methods and date molasses is obtained. For example, the paradise date palm, which is a special flavor of the Trabzon region, is collected when it matures. Some dates have kernels in them, and these kernels are extracted. Crushed paradise dates are left to be boiled in a deep and wide container. When the dates become soft, they are filtered and separated from their pulp. It is boiled again and pumpkin and walnut powders are also added to it at this stage. In this way, the dates, which have increased their nutritional value, are boiled until they get a consistency, then taken into jars and left to cool. It can be consumed by keeping in the refrigerator. 
Mulberry Molasses: Mulberry molasses, which has two types as white or black mulberry, is made in both ways. The mulberries collected from the trees are boiled after going through the washing process. After boiling, the mulberry is browned and boiled until the raw taste disappears, it is filtered and the resulting water is taken back into the baking dish. As it boils, the foam will hold on it, and these foams are taken to another container with the help of a spoon. The prepared mixture is added to the jars and left in the sun for 2 days. At the end of the second day, the mixture, which becomes ready with a yellow layer on it, is filtered with a cheesecloth and stored in the refrigerator. 
What are the Benefits of Tahini and Molasses?
When tahini and Decoction come together, the benefits don't stop counting. This duo, which is delicious in taste, is also satisfying. Especially the iron found in molasses is an important support for those who have anemia problems. In addition to being a nutritious source, this perfect duo also allows us to feel full by providing energy. When consumed daily, it strengthens and energizes the body. Therefore, regular consumption is recommended for those who do not have any significant health problems. 
The combination of tahini and molasses not only helps us feel full, but also helps to prevent colds. Especially in the winter months, it strengthens the immune system against diseases such as flu. When consumed in cold weather, it keeps the body warm by increasing blood circulation. It is also extremely beneficial for the digestive system. The calcium it contains contributes to the healthy bone development of children.
All in all, the tahini and molasses duo is both a delicious and healthy option. When consumed regularly, it provides many benefits to the body.

