Rare Sesame Species: Benefits and Uses

Rare Sesame Species: Benefits and Uses

While sesame is recognized worldwide for its contribution to health and nutrition, rare varieties are also of interest. In this article, we will explore rare sesame varieties and focus on the agricultural and health benefits of these unique species.

The Most Known Sesame Species and Their Differences

  • White Sesame (Sesamum indicum): The most common and famous variety. It is used in many dishes from salads to desserts.
  • Black Sesame (Sesamum orientale): It stands out with its dark seeds and strong taste. It is often preferred in cooking.
  • Red Sesame (Sesamum radiatum): It stands out with its bright red seeds and is used especially in Africa.

Rare Sesame Species

  • Blue Sesame: Grown in India and China, this species is rich in health benefits.
  • Golden Sesame: Known for its beautiful golden seeds and found in Africa.

Cultivation Of Rare Sesame Seeds

  • India: Tamil Nadu and Kerala regions are ideal for blue and white sesame.
  • Africa: Red and golden sesame seeds are grown in countries such as Mali and Niger.

Health Benefits of Sesame Seeds

  • White Sesame: Rich in vitamin E, calcium and iron, it supports bone health.
  • Black Sesame: Thanks to its high fiber content, it improves digestion and lowers cholesterol.
  • Red Sesame: Contains omega-6 fatty acids, supports heart health.
  • Blue Sesame: Contains antioxidants and omega-3 fatty acids, beneficial for brain health.
  • Golden Sesame: Improves heart health with monounsaturated fatty acids.

Sesame Use in Meals

  • Salads: Roasted sesame seeds add flavor and nutritional value to salads.
  • Sauces: Sesame oil is used in the preparation of various sauces.
  • Baking: Sesame seeds can be added to pastries and bread to enhance the flavor.
  • Desserts: Sesame is widely used in halva and other desserts.

Black Sesame Popularity
There is such a thing as black sesame, but it is often confused with black sesame because of its different color and similarity to black cumin. Neither comes from the same plant. Although you may not be able to visually tell the difference between the two at first sight, black sesame is darker in color when looked at carefully. To understand this, you need to taste it. Black sesame is oilier in flavor, while black cumin has a more bitter and nasal burning taste. According to the booklet prepared by the Konya Provincial Directorate of Agriculture and Forestry, you can get more detailed information about how black cumin is different from sesame in many aspects, from its cultivation to its soil structure.


Rare sesame species offer great nutritional and health benefits and contribute to biodiversity conservation. It is important to consume sesame in moderation as part of a healthy and balanced diet.

Quality Products with Zirve Sesame

Zirve Sesame offers the best quality sesame products from Konya. You can buy the best sesame products from Konya or order the best quality healthy tahini products by contacting Zirve Sesame.
You can visit Zirve Sesame's website to learn about more products and place an order.

